diy marble contact paper back splash

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Our kitchen has been a consistent work in progress. First with painting the cupboards, covering the counters and now, the back splash. I still have daydreams about taking a sledge hammer to the cupboards and starting from scratch, but until that day comes…With much contemplation on what type of budget-friendly back splash to install, I decided to make things easy and used the same contact paper to go along with the marble contact paper counter top. I had so many different ideas swirling in my head of options, like I wrote about in an earlier post about alternative  back splash options, but after seeing so many beautiful pictures of a solid marble back splash, I decided to just go for it and I am loving the results. It’s not a permanent fix, but as I have said before, it’s what I like to call a long-term temporary fix, if there is such a thing.

With a lengthy delay getting my order of contact paper and putting in a claim since my order didn’t show, Amazon pulled through and my new order arrived in a snap. There was still some uncertainty when imagining what it would look like, yet this amazing stuff did not disappoint. I wasted no time installing it once the bedtime routine for the littles had wrapped up. I made sure the walls were clean-ish  and set to work. It went on really smoothly (much easier than with the counter top) and was a pretty quick and easy project.It took about two hours to complete. I wound up using three rolls, so I still have one left in case I need to fix anything. As I did with installing the contact paper counter, I used a credit card to help smooth out air bubbles as much as possible. I wasn’t as careful in areas that are more difficult to see, so I would definitely say: “Don’t look too closely.” Overall, I am really happy with the result. It brightened up the kitchen and camouflages those old spaghetti splatters that are a constant in our kitchen.

If you’re looking for a budget-conscious option for short or long-term, contact paper is a fantastic choice. Thanks for reading!



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